Requisites / difference between 'require and require_in' in SaltStack:

     The Salt requisite system is used to create relationships between states. You can find more details about Requisites on here


* This is the most basic requisite which allows us to specify that one state requires another state to be run successfully first.

* Also ensures correct ordering and the requiring states runs only if the required state ran successfully.


# cat req.sls
require_check: # REQUIRING STATE
  - name: echo FIRST
  - require:
    - cmd: require_check1

require_check1: # REQUIRED STATE
  - name: echo SECOND

If the REQUIRED STATE not successful:


* Requisites of this form( _in ) force other states to depend on the state that contains the requisite.

* The requiring states run first and then run the required state if requiring state run succcessful.


# cat req.sls
require_check: # REQUIRING STATE
  - name: echo FIRST
  - require_in:
    - cmd: require_check1

require_check1: # REQUIRED STATE
  - name: echo SECOND

If the REQUIRING STATE not successful:

> : - )


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