nPULSE - Web-based network monitoring package for Linux and Unix


nPulse is a web-based network monitoring package for Linux and Unix-like
operating systems. It can quickly monitor tens, hundreds, even thousands
of sites/devices at a time on multiple ports. nPulse is written in
Perl and comes with its own (SSL optional) web server for extra security.

Also, instead of re-inventing existing code, nPulse uses many excellent
OpenSource (GPL) products including
 * Nmap                     [required]
 * Perl                              [required]
 * OpenSSL                        [optional]
 * Net::SSLeay and Mail::Mailer          [optional]
 * Java Telnet App              [included]
 * A modified version of        [included]

Required Software

Linux/Unix Version 2.1 or greater  (
Perl       Version 5.004 or later  (
Nmap       Version 2.51 or later   (

nPulse is entirely written in Perl 5. For port scanning it uses the excellent
package Nmap, available from nPulse will not work without Nmap.

Installation Instructions

Direct Download: wget

1. Unpack the distribution into a directory of choice, preferably one owned
   by root and not visible to other users.

   CMD: tar -zxf npulse-0.54.tar.gz
   CMD: gunzip npulse-0.54.tar.gz
        tar -xf npulse-0.54.tar

   (If you are reading this, then you probably have already done so. :)

2. As root, execute the setup file.

   CMD: ./

3. Follow the instructions.

4. That's it. (Advanced users might want to tweak the preferences file.)

Last few steps of the installatoin:

After # ./

Web server port [19000]:
Administrator's Login Name: admin
Enter the admin password:
Password again:
Web server hostname or ip address []:
Setup has gathered the following information. Please check it for
correctness. If anything is incorrect, exit setup and start again.

Current Directory:      /usr/src/npulse-0.54
Install Directory:      /usr/local/npulse
Config Directory:       /usr/local/npulse/etc
Log Directory:          /usr/local/npulse/log
Data Directory:         /usr/local/npulse/data
Nmap command:           /usr/bin/nmap
Traceroute command:     /bin/traceroute
Perl 5 command:         /usr/bin/perl
Automatic monitoring:   every 2 minutes
Email notification:     OFF
Allow Telnet:           yes
Secure Server (SSL):    off
Web server hostname:    your-server-IP
Web server port:        19000

nPulse has been installed and started successfully.
Use your web browser to go to


and log in as 'admin' with the password you entered previously.

To restart nPulse use /usr/local/npulse/etc/restart
To stop    nPulse use /usr/local/npulse/etc/stop

tweak the preferences files:

NOTICE: There have been reports of problems when using newer versions of nmap with nPulse. If you are using a newer version of nmap try the following:

    Stop nPulse (/usr/local/npulse/etc/stop)
    As root edit the file /usr/local/npulse/lib/
    Change line 89 from
          $site{ports} .= $p[0].',';
         $site{ports} .= $p[0].',' if $p[1] =~ /open/i;
    As root edit the file /usr/local/npulse/ (fix by: D Parker)
    Change line 240 from
          foreach (split(/,\s*/, $ports)) { push(@currentports, (split(/\//,$_))[0]); }
          foreach (split(/,\s*/, $ports)) { push(@currentports, (split(/\//,$_))[0]) if $_ =~ /open/i; }
    Start nPulse (/usr/local/npulse/etc/start)

# service iptables stop


Starting screen:

Home page:

Setup page:

To change the admin password do the following:
   As root, issue the following command:
     # ./usermod -m admin newpassword

That's it...


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