
Showing posts from 2020

Making simple CountDown program in Bash

Count-down script without user interaction: #!/bin/bash row=5 column=10 tput clear for i in {30..00..00}  do tput cup $row $column  echo -e -n "Launch in: $i\n\n"  sleep .1 done echo -e 'Done!\n\n' syntax to run this script: /path/to/ ------------------------------------------------------ Count-down script with user interaction: #!/bin/bash row=5 column=10 max=$1 min=$2 interval=$3 if [ $# -ne 3 ] then     echo -e "Syntax is $0 <countdown starting value> <countdown ending value> <counting interval>" else     tput clear     for i in `eval "echo {$max..$min..$interval}"`     #for i in {20..01..2}       do tput cup $row $column       echo -e -n "Launch in: $i\n\n"       sleep .1     done     echo -e 'Done!\n\n' fi syntax to run this script: /path/to/ <countdown starting value> &l